
This page primarily introduces Photon Messages, which is a bunch of data structures used in communication among our off-chain payment channels. Users or Clients can send and receive these messages to claim what they plan to do and present their intention to their transaction partners.

Data Structure


BalanceProof is a basic data structure contained in most of messages below that sent or received by a channel participant. Our design principle is once BalanceProof in a message has changed, nonce in that BalanceProof should increase by 1.

Data Field :

Names Types Description
Nonce uint64 a serial number to record transfer
ChannelIdentifer Hash a 32-byte hash denoting channel id
OpenBlockNumber int64 the block height at which a channel open
TransferAmount BigInt the amount of tokens transferred to the counterpart
Locksroot Hash root of a merkle tree,which contains all transfer locks of message sender

### SignedMessage SignedMessage is an underlying data structure almost contained in every message that sent or received by a channel participant. In this structure, we mainly put address of message sender and the signature of sender.

Names Types Description
CmdStruct compound type structure for local storage
Sender Address address of this message sender
Signature []byte signature of this message sender


EnvelopMessage is an underlying data structure that contained in almost every message clients sent or received in a payment channel. In EnvelopMessage, there are a SignedMessage and a BalanceProof.

Names Types Description
SignedMessage compound type data structure for sender’s information
BalanceProof compound type data structure for a transfer



ACK is a data structure that our photon messages uses to confirm certain message has been received. It just echoes hash value of that received message.

Data Field:

Names Types Description
Sender address address of sender of that received message
Echo Hash a 32-byte hash value of that received message


Ping is a message used to test the reachablity of a channel. In which, we just contain a nonce.

Data Field:

Names Types Description
Nonce int64 serial number for this message


SecretRequest is a message primarily used when a transfer recipient in a payment channel want to get the secret of a transfer. In this case, he should send a SecretRequest to the initiator of this transfer and make transfer initiator understand that he wishes to get the secret.

Data Field :

Names Types Description
LockSecretHash Hash a 32-byte hash value of that secret
PaymentAmount BigInt the amount of tokens that this transfer locked


RevealSecret is a message used at the situation that transfer initiator in a payment channel, once he has received SecretRequest from that participant who needs the secret, reveals the secret of that participant.

Data Field:

Names Types Description
LockSecret Hash a 32-byte value denoting the secret og lock
LockSecretHash Hash a 32-byte value denoting the hash of secret of this transfer


Unlock is a message we adopt to deal with situations that a participant of a transfer plans to unlock the hash lock of this transfer.

  • Unlock in MediatedTransfer

As we can view in this MediatedTransfer. We have three participants in this channel, Alice, Bob and Charles. The entire workflow is

  • After Charles has received the transfer from Alice, he wishes to get the secret via SecretRequest to Alice.
  • Once Alice receives this SecretRequest, if there is no problem, then without doubt, Alice will feed this secret to Charles, via RevealSecret.
  • As to Charles, when he receives the secret from Alice, to get his deserved money, Charles prepares to reveal secret to his former hop node, Bob, via RevealSecret.
  • When Bob has received this secret, and after he’d completed verification, he has two choices :
    • First, If Bob can make sure that Alice is an honest actor and will unlock those money locked in her BalanceProof, Bob immediately send an Unlock to Charles to unlock money. But This is not our case.
    • Actually, Bob cannot rely on the virtue of integrity of Alice, so that he should make it certain that his money would not be stole by fraudulent actors. Our released version of Photon adds support that anyone who knows the secret can register this secret on the chain to claim their deserved fund. So Bob do not worry about his token, and he can directly unlock his transfer to Charles.

Data Field :

Names Types Description
EnvelopMessage compound type a data structure containing a new BalanceProof and a signature of message sender
LockSecret Hash A 32-byte value denoting the secret of lock


RemoveExpiredHashlockTransfer is a kind of message and transfer participants primarily adopt it when ongoing transfers get expired for some reason, such as there are one or several mediated nodes disconnect from our token network, or some nodes intentionally stop furthering this transfer to next hop, and causes transfer expiration, etc.

Data Field :

Names Types Description
EnvelopMessage compound type a data structure containing a new BalanceProof and a signature of this message sender
LockSecretHash Hash a 32-byte value denoting the hash of secret of this transfer


DirectChannel is the message that mostly used in cases that a direct path exists to link two channel participants. Both just make their transfers sent to their channel counterparts via DirectTransfer. DirectTransfer can be sent by anyone in this direct payment channel in any times only if this direct channel is still open.

Because in this case we only have two participants : transfer initiator and transfer recipient, so there is no need to lock transfers.

Data Field :

Names Types Description
EnvelopMessage compound type a data structure containing a new BalanceProof and a signature of this message sender


MediatedTransfer is a message that is adopted mostly in cases that a participant has no direct route linking to his transfer recipient. By no means, this participant need resort to other indirect routes so that he can feed his transfer to specific recipient. Please NOTE, in direct payment channel, participants can also use MediatedTransfer.

Data Field :

Names Types Description
EnvelopMessage compound type a data structure containing a new BalanceProof
Expiration int64 block number at which this transfer expired
LockSecreHash Hash a 32-byte value denoting the hash of secret of this transfer
PaymountAmount BigInt the amount of kokens locked in this transfer
Target Address the final destination on this transfer
Initiator Address the initiator of this transfer
Fee BigInt transfer cost


AnnounceDisposed is the message that we used in mediate transfer to notify that there are some issues which causes a mediated node has no way to further this transfer.

Data Field :

Names Types Description
SignedMessage compound type a data structure containing a signature of message sender and an address of message sender
AnnounceDisposedProof compound type a data structure containing a lock to dispose and a channel id message


AnnounceDisposedResponse is the message we used when a participant replies to his partner after he/she has received AnnounceDisposedResponse.

Data Field :

Names Types Description
EnvelopMessage compound type a data structure containing a new BalanceProof and a signature of this message sender
LockSecreHash Hash a 32-byte value denoting the hash of secret of this transfer


WithdrawRequest is the message that mainly used in cases that a participant wishes to withdraw fund from his channel deposit. But first he needs to notify his partner about his intention and this intention needs to be confirmed by his partner.

Data Field :

Names Types Description
SignedMessage compound type a data structure containing a signature of message sender and an address of message sender
WithdrawRequesData compound type a data structure containing all required information of message sender


WithdrawResponse is the message that recipient of WithdrawRequest has confirmed this message and he assigns his signature within and returns WithdrawResponse.

Data Field :

Names Types Description
SignedMessage compound type a data structure containing a signature of message sender and an address of message sender
WithdrawResponseData compound type a data structure containing a confirmation message with the signature of message recipient and the original WithdrawRequestData


SettleRequest is the message that channel participants adopt when they need CooperativeSettle that payment channel between them. Sender of this SettleRequest requests to cooperatively settle the channel.

Data Field :

Names Types Description
SignedMessage compound type a data structure containing a signature of message sender and an address of message sender
SettleRequesData compound type a data structure containing all information required by CooperativeSettle with the signature of sender of this SettleRequest


SettleResponse is the message that channel participants adopt when they just need to confirm the intention and agree with it. When recipient of SettleRequest wishes to present that he agrees to cooperatively settle this payment channel, then he just need to reply to his channel pal with this SettleResponse.

Data Field :

Names Types Description
SignedMessage compound type a data structure containing a signature of message sender and an address of message sender
SettleResponseData compound type a data structure containing all information required for CooperativeSettle with the signature of sender of this SetleResponse